Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Daily GoodSpeak

the Daily GoodSpeak

Subtopian topographers complete "most accurate" map yet of Subtopia

New borders explored; forbidden zones identified

(sns) President and Comrade-in-Chief McWinn today announced that the five-block plan for charting the whole Subtopian realm has finally been completed. Subtopian topographers, gathered together under former Comrade-in-Chief IrCarthy, say the long effort has produced doubleplusgoodness beyond measure. "We now know where the sediment superstructures are weakest, where we must buttress and bolster cavern walls to insure structural integrity, where to build more T-fLats and pedoports."

Meanwhile, Consumcity is having the biggest sale in many blocks. Everything you unneed is available now for the taking. Buy now and SAVE SAVE SAVE!

Hail to thee, Subtopia!


Blogger Major Le Obvious said...


1:56 PM  
Blogger Ailig said...

Hello. This is Alex B., reporting in, sir.

1:57 PM  
Blogger MJGodspeed said...

hey irwin---heres the adress to my blogthing i would also like to apply for a positoion "position of power" that invoves our military

3:19 PM  
Blogger A Band Geek.... and proud of it!!! said...

Do you have a justice department in subtopia, or an administration that is interesting in hiring? I am a writer in need of a job. im good in all expertiees in writing of any sorts report or tell me

-Samantha Dick

3:23 PM  
Blogger Bryan Posey-Weekly said...

hello irwin

4:28 PM  
Blogger The Gutierrez Sisters said...

ok im supposed to comment on here to let u know that i hav my blogspot up and running so i am doin that now. hey i would lik to know all of the websites and blogspots of all the teachers involved in this game. thx
elizabeth g.

4:31 PM  
Blogger Ashley 27 said...

Umm Hi heres my link
Um I don't know if anyone has asked this question but do we have a subtopian language or anything other language? Speaking of different languages what about different races?

8:52 PM  
Blogger Crinkit said...

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10:16 PM  

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