Friday, January 13, 2006

the GoodSpeak News

Virtu-Mall Closed! Power non-success in sec12 blamed.Subtopian Peace Enforcers help Consums to safety at Virtu-Mall

(sns) Subtopians will have to find other diversions while SPE services rectify Solgen at Virtu-Mall. The popular coolstopshop will not be available for an unspecified block; Consums are encouraged to spend more at MegaFunLand or ConsumCity. SPE reports that proles were "calm but disappointed," as they were assisted to safety. "I'm maxibummed," said Rizeer 34, a Consum who spends his daily diversion block exclusively at Virtu-Mall. "Virtual Reality is somuchcoolness than real reality," he plussed.


Blogger A Band Geek.... and proud of it!!! said...

will the virtumall be open as soon as possible???

1:40 PM  

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