Thursday, January 19, 2006

Election heats up: Ircarthy demands formal debate

(sns) Former Subtopian President Ircarthy demanded that President McWinn participate in a tagteam debate with him sometime before the Cari 14th election day. "McWinn is a good man, an upright Subtopian dedicated to Republicrat principles, and I do not question his patriotism. However, there comes a block in everyone's life when they must defend their policies and answer the criticisms they are charged with." Ircarthy spoke to a small gathering of doubleplusenthusiasts in T-flats NE last times. The Goodspeak News mislocuted President McWinn for a response. Presidential press secretary Mac Scotland--surrogatespeakman--told the GoodSpeak News that McWinn wants "an honest debate, not dishonest attacks on my administration. Look for the Politi-Maxi-Battle of the Blockage!!


Blogger A Band Geek.... and proud of it!!! said...

what is the day that we vote??

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please irwin inform us... when do we vote to choose our new president?

2:17 PM  

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