Monday, January 23, 2006

McWinn: "I will show Ircarthy for who he really is: a badspeak naysayer weak on protection

(sns) President McWinn, moments before today's scheduled debate with challenger Ircarthy, announed that his opponent is "an appeaser" who would negotiate with the Evilians and fail to stand up against foreign and domestic threats to Subtopian security. "Ircarthy has never served in the SPD forces, nor has any understanding of what it means to defend the motherland. The only Evilians he's ever seen are the public lazerazations in the MegaBattleArena, or the 'Evilian Slaughter' screen at Virtu-Mall." Ircarthy could not be reached for comment. Commentators, pundits and BattleAnalyists are all ready for today's debate, sponsored by Righteous Life's Soothalators and Happiness Creme.


Blogger The Gutierrez Sisters said...

Hey Irwin,
I have left you 3 comments now asking questions about subtopia and they havnt been answered. I have really fallen behind in this project. I dont get what you mean by "move" and know squat about what is going on in this game. Has Becca won the game? I thought so but then other people said no she is just queen now. I'm so confused. I am hoping that the extra credit from 1984 will make up for it. I could use some help.

10:55 AM  
Blogger The Gutierrez Sisters said...

I asked you in the discussion today why certain people were "nuetralized", you answered because they were seen as danger to the people in the debate and watching the debate, that I understood. What I dont understand is why I was "nuetralized", I am barly playing this game as it is, all I have done is written you 3 comments that have yet to be replied to. I dont think that I should have been nuetralized, and I would like to know why I had been choisen.

4:35 PM  
Blogger Ashley 27 said...

So what will you do differently than our former president to protect us?

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

were back in black
wat do you think 'bout that!
from out of the shadows
and into the light
we wont stop till we get our fight!


4:47 PM  
Blogger Ailig said...

I regret my faith is failing. I have found many holes and inconsistencies in this plot. They may be part of your plan, but if not, I suggest you all immprove your communication. With this comment, I would also like to re-state (again) that I AM a loyal Subtopian, and so wish only the best for her people.
To pleasure, protection, and prosperity, by best reguards.

Alex B.

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where exactly did you learn grammar, genius?

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relying to: TPs post


I want answers, nothing more, you cannot bribe me with materialistic goods or power, I seek the nine truths. I feel that we have become too materialistic and lost our true selves, lost what it means to be a subtopian. I post this as anonymous but you know who I am. Please Reply with the greatest of haste.

10:10 AM  
Blogger A Band Geek.... and proud of it!!! said...

question, you are the president of subtopia mcwinn, then if you are reelected then will you improve society and keep Subtopia " evilian" proof.

12:29 PM  
Blogger Bryan Posey-Weekly said...

ordo ab chao. order out of chaos.

no its not a new crazy group.

we will find order to the chaos that is knowledge

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh miss Subsurface Queen I advice you to be very careful on who you trust. Sometimes we cant even trust our superiors, I make word that if you continue being so "two faced" then someone just might come along and assassinate you!!! That someone just might be me, so watch your back and your choices!!!!

10:56 PM  
Blogger Shadow Angel said...

this is my link.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Shadow Angel said...

this is my link.

3:23 PM  

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