Friday, January 27, 2006

Goodspeak News: Election Edition

The results are incontestable; President McWinn narrowly defeated Comrade Ircarthy in one of the closest E-lections in Subtopian history to remain in power for another term. Touchscreen electronic voting--sponsored by Righteous Life Technology--has clearly identified that Subtopians want a change of direction, and Comrade McWinn is just the leader to take us on a new duct toward more prosperity, more pleasure and more protection. "It's a dangerous world out there, and I will do everything to protect Subtopians in this historic time."


Blogger MJGodspeed said...

ok this is obviously a rigged system so ill just say who cares? as long as we get paid, and we get to shoot people. . .

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

zadoc you could sell lutherius off on any of us. but you have as much proof of him being lutherius as i do of you being a sane, straight, man. theres none there sorry.

2:27 PM  
Blogger Bryan Posey-Weekly said...

yea i will openly admit I am Lutherius. However, Irwinn already knew that, he doesn't want me dead, and I am not in any way a subversive, anarchist, or terrorist. All I believe is that it is time for change. So zadoc I hope you get shot a fifth time, and this time you do not make a recovery.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't believe that McWinn won Irwin. You say that the people have a voice, yet you have McWinn as the president. If this country truly depended on the voice of it's citizens, then Tesla would be president and you know it.

2:54 PM  
Blogger Bryan Posey-Weekly said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are there people going over to the westernfront seaching for food? I heard about this from somone and I would like a real reason. anser on this comment section McWinn...

8:04 PM  
Blogger MJGodspeed said...

you still havent changed the picture on the subtopian defense forces post. . .

i demand it be removed now

9:33 AM  
Blogger Shadow Angel said...

Hey Irwin....
heres my link so you can check my current events:

11:50 AM  

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