Tuesday, February 14, 2006

May the Truth Be Told...

The new leaders, Bec Ca Bec and Robert Tesla have agreed to finally tell the Nine truths that you have been waiting for. We at the Daily GoodSpeak have posted them for you, my great Subtopians.

1. The unsick pills make you lethargic, and therefore make you a happier Subtopian and easier to control.

2. The war was a hoax to cover up the fact that the Evilians pick our produce and we do not pay them for it.

3. Our ecomometrics are based entirely on faith for the government, if you take away the goverment then the money would be worth nothing and therefore useless.

4. The entire government system was not a democratic society as you thought. It is a Aristocracy, a government ruled by one family through multiple generations.

5.OldTown was a prison, a prison for subversives and terrorists. We put them there so no one could be hurt.

6. Big Brother was a horrible computer program, it did almost nothing exept incite fear in the people and make it seem that we were always watching you.

7. CareWareHouse was a place where we took the "mentally ill" and made them better. Think of it as a mental asylum if you will.

8. The way out is through the SuperLane Project. Once you find out many of the truths or got 1000 total credits (CRs or DCRs) youy were offered a way out. However, the only people with the way back in is (now) Tesla and Bec Ca Bec.

9. The surface is inhabitable.Only a few areas were radioactive years ago and we can now live on it. This brings me to possibly the most momentous occurance in Subtopian History.

We have decided that this simple hole we live in is much too small for the entire population of all of Subtopia. We plan on starting a colony, a colony on the surface. A home where we can see the glorious sun rise above us, rise like our grand goverment now shall. For no longer shall we be confined to a simple cavern. We will be free. Free at last, thank the gods we shall be free at last.

But this is not without it's planning. We must build on these great lands. We must bring in settlers to create this new and grand country. We must form a group of nearly 50 people including a few leaders, architects, doctors, and farmers. We will also need a very small group of guards to ward off any attacks from tribes on the surface. We may also be helped in this by the great Utoran government, a grand society that already lives on the surface.


Blogger Raven said...

cool thanks for the info.

10:29 AM  
Blogger A Band Geek.... and proud of it!!! said...

really thant is the nine truths?
long time huh?
thought no one would solve it well they have

12:10 PM  

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