Friday, February 10, 2006

BB 2.3: Now more better than ever!

(rln) President IrCarthy unveiled today the new better faster prettier more BB today at the administry building. "BB's decisions will be even more doubleplus right, which is wonderfulliberty for all Subtopians," our glorious leader locuted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what exactly does big brother do? i mean we al know it controlls us and is conneted to our brains but how exactly does it project thoughts into our heads?

9:49 AM  
Blogger Major Le Obvious said...

plutocracy rule by the wealthy". In actual practice, aristocrats are often just plutocrats whose wealth allows them to portray their own virtues as the "best" ones.

aristocratic plutocrats

11:19 AM  
Blogger A Band Geek.... and proud of it!!! said...

How will this improve Subtopian society???

2:21 PM  

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