Tuesday, February 14, 2006

With Power Comes a Sacrifice

We need a number of people, including agriculturalists, architects, stonemasons, a few political leaders, military guards, and doctors. We ask you, my fellow Subtopians, to join us in this momentous event. Who is willing to leave this great Subtopia we have built for ourselves? Who is willing to risk their lives to view the sun and the moon and the stars? Who is willing to sacrifice their great seats of power in Subtopia to come with us, to come to a brighter tommorow? I know I am, now the only question is who is with me?

We have freed the slaves. They shall be payed in Econometrics just like the normal Subtopian, for they are normal too. We will right the wrongs that our ancestors did and never do them again. We cannot erase the past, for if we do not remember our mistakes, we may do them again. He who controls the Present controls the Future, and all of Subtopia controls the Present now. We are working towards a grand era, a new era, an era of knowledge.

May our diplomatic relations with Utora strengthen and grow with each passing day, until one day, in the future, We will not be classified as Utorans, Subtopians, and Evilians, but will be considered all of the same race, A race of balance, equality and purity.

May the future be better than our past, but may we also not forget the past. Our history, not our color, rank, or social status, is what makes us who we truly are. We cannot hide the past, but we can make sure history does not repeat.

Prosperity, Pleasure, Protection and certainly Peace my fellow friend, peace at last.


Blogger Ailig said...

I would request permission to join this journey to the surface. I know I have been slack, staying in my little government afforded house for too long, and have not tried hard enough to be a member of Subtopia. But this will be my chance to redeem myself and make a new name for the De'Bellar family. I would go as any task worker you require, but would request a job in reasearching new areas of the surface (if that has not already been done) or to report all new findings and advancements to the citizens who remain in Subtopia. Thank You.
Alex De'Bellar (Bellairs)

2:33 PM  
Blogger Raven said...

well for the fact that MAYBE you can remember your cod for the blog. i girlygirl/Raven of Shadow will follow you at you comand. even in this year of the 2nd. oh and stev you may wish to figure out how to get rid of this all cuz all the stuff of the game last year can be found. (thus why i'm typing this out. i am looking up old sub. stuff) well ta ta and good bye till next time on the top!

Raven Shade Stone

9:31 PM  

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